Trusted (2010)

A man. Two women. And a dog.
Who should you trust?

(Pages from a family album.)

After completing La forêt, une fois, it finally occurred to me that my interest in experiences of getting lost was probably prompted by a story which had circulated for many years in our family, and which dealt with exactly such an experience that my parents and sister had been through with our dog, Bramble. I took the opportunity of a tea-time reunion over Xmas in Brussels to record their version(s) of that event. The story is here presented against a mainly black image track, interrupted by sudden bursts of colour Super 8 – images I had forgotten I had shot, and which turned up accidentally at the end of a roll I had developed for La forêt.

With Joan and Reg Snowdon, and Rachel Andrew.

2010, Super 8/DV, 4:3, stereo, 11m28s.